Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Softskill) Bulan Ke-2

Bahasa Inggris (Softskill)
Bulan Ke-2

Unit 4 A
Part A
I'm going to do outdoor activities like playing football with my friends.
A = Karaoke
B = Sudoku
C = Body Building
D = Base Jumping
Person’s name: Chuck Calderon
    Name of hobby: Base jumping
    What this person does in their hobby: jumps off a cliff
    Why he likes the hobby: because he enjoys the terrify of base jumping
 What other people think of the hobby: most people think his hobby are
I would like to try Karaoke

Part B
Base Jumping
Body Building

7. 1. He’s terrified
2. She’s disgusted
3. its terrifying
4. its disgusting

8. 1. Terrified
          2. Exciting
          3. Disgusted
          4. Satisfied

Part 4 B
Part A
I listen to music genre pop, RnB, or metal
A=5 MP3 Player
B=1 Radio
C=3 Tapes
D=4 CDs
E=2 Records

B. Sing Along
A. Taylor Swift
B. Erwin Gutawa
C. Rama Satria
D. Alan White
E. Rany Ramadhani
A. A Grand Piano
B. An electrick guitar
C. A saxophone
D. A double bass, and a violin
A. Books pr magazines about music
A. Rap
B. Rock
C. Opera
D. Country
E. Jazz
F. Reggae
Unit 4 C
Part A
Not Agree
- I absolutely adore the food with tastes good
I can’t stand restaurand with bad service

Part B
–Ali would really likeEl Paso that doesn’t stop serving food
-Sue would love Café Paradiso which providing the best pizza in the town
-Dick would dislike Bombay Palace when it serve hot curry dishes
True, True, False, False, False, True False

Unit 4 D
Part A
Harry Potter, I like this film because it was amazing film
1. Drama
2. Science Fiction
3. Fantasy
4. Comedy
5. Action
6. Musical
7. Romance
I was so surprised

Part C
1. Bridget Jones’s Diary
2. Yes, Im agree
3. I think female
2. Which (cross)
3. That (cross)
4. no cross
5. no cross
6. Who (cross)
7. no cross

Part 4 Review
interested, interesting
2. boring, bored
3. excited, exciting
4. disgusting, disgusted   
1. I think brown bread is better for you and it’s much tastier
2. I think instant coffee is easier to make but real coffee taste is much better
3. I think Reggae music is better to dance and a bit more exciting.
4. I think film on DVD is more convenient and it’s far cheaper.
5. I think a weekend in the country is more exciting and it’s a bit more relaxing.
6. I think text message is quicker and it’s much cheaper to send.
7. I think cards is easier to learn and it’s a bit quicker to play.
1. The bus isn’t as quick as the underground
2. A Hamburger isn’t as expensive as a steak
3. Driving isn’t as good as cycling for you
4. Folk music isn’t as complicated as classical music
1. It’s a story about the boy who falls in love with a rich girl
2. They are on ship that crossing the Atlantic
3. He meets a woman who can see the future
4. They say he will never marry the girl which he loves.
Part B
1. Conduct
2. Drummer
3. Musician
4. Saxophone
5. Keyboard
6. Composer
7. Guitarist
8. Track
9. Stadium
1. How about going to
2. I’m Not to keen on
3. I Absolutely adore
4. I Can’t stand
5. I don’t mind
Kate = Romance
Jim = Science Fiction
Mick = Fantasy
Sara = Musical
Ed = Action
Liz = Drama
Jo = Comedy

Unit 5 A
Part A
Photo 1 = a ballot box as a symbol of democracy
Photo 2 = the direction as symbols of political views
Photo 3 = Light blue of the United Nations as symbols of the sky above every nation on earth
Photo 4 = government buildings are the symbols of power and they are often designed to be large and impressive.
Photo 5 = The five pointed star is a very common symbol of military power
Photo 6 = Lions and eagle are very popular symbols because they represent strength.
Two fact I already knew:
– Light blue of the United Nations as symbols of the sky above every nation on earth
– Lions and eagle are very popular symbols because they represent strength
Two fact I didn’t know:
– The five pointed star is a very common symbol of military power
– The direction as symbols of political view
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. True
1. Symbolism
2. Protective
3. Ancient
4. Strength
Part B
1. Head of state
2. president
3. Republic
4. Democracy
5. elections
6. Political
7. Socialist
8. Conservative
9. Capital
10. United Nations
11. represent
12. National
Part D
Individual People
Princess Diana
The emperor of Japan
The European Union
President Kennedy
The US President
The United Nations
King Richard III
The head of state
The Liberal Party
Queen Elizabeth
The Australian prime minister
1. What’s the name of the president of the USA?
2. Who’s the leader of the Conservative Nations?
3. Where’s the headquarters of the United Kingdom?
4. Is Prince William from the United Kingdom?
5. Is the Czech Republic in the European Union?
6. Did President Mandela meet the president of Tanzania?
Because the in A meet vowels and the in B meet consonant.
Unit 5 B
Part A
I have a bird in the past, his name is Robert. I have a couples of turtle 7 years ago named Kuro and Kuri. I have a dog 8 years ago, her name is Lessie she is my favorite pet.
Allow = Admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable, Give the necessary time or opportunity for, Admit the truth of; concede
Forbid = Refuse to allow (something)
Permit = Give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something
Prohibit = Formally forbid (something) by law, rule, or other authority
You can do it
You can’t do it
Less formal
More formal
1. Smoking isn’t allowed
2. Parking isn’t permitted
3. Mobile phone is forbidden
4. Taking photographs is prohibited
you mustn’t take your dog into a barber’s!, You have to leave your dog outside, You mustn’t take a dog in a lift, You can kill a raccoons any time  before 2 a.m., you can’t take one into a school.
1. False. You haven’t a choice-you have to leave your dog outside.
2. True
3. False. You can walk your dog in waterboro
4. True
5. True
6. True
To say it’s allowed
To say it’s forbidden
To say it’s an obligation
To say it’s not an obligation
Have to
Don’t have to
1. must
2. don’t have to
3. can
4. must
5. can
6. have to
7. can
Unit 5 C
Part A
I read newspaper just when I want to read it. I’m not sure with type of the stories I usually read
1. robbed
2. attack
3. steal
4. rob
5. kill
6. shoot
7. murder
8. kidnap
9. hijack
10. arrest
3. A woman hasn’t shot a robber with a baseball bat. She beat the robber.

Part B
A cabs with cow theme decoration can against crime
He got more clients include government minister, celebrities, and parents organizing birthday parties for their children.
1. False. He drove himself to hospital.
2. True
3. True
4. False. He put neon lights on the ceiling
5. True
6. False. He is just already thinking about it
Part D
He has been attacked four times, his car was stolen, he was thrown naked into a blackberry bush
1. the robbers
2. b. to put the focus on the robbers, not Juan.
1. Has been stolen
2. robbed
3. have been arrested
4. was taken
5. has been hijacked
6. Killed
Alarm has been switched off, security guard was drugged, less valuable paintings hasn’t been taken.
The painting was found in Hong Kong. Three men has been arrested.
Unit 5 D
Part A
Indonesia ‘s independence on 17th August 1945
Part B
Battle, body, power, rebel n, shoulder

Become, complete, confess, happen, protect, rebel vb, return
Verb can be combined with -ed and noun cannot. But word Power breaks the rule, because there is a word Powered.
Unit 5 E
Part A
1. Tom left his key on the desk
2. Jo worked late
3. Jo heard breaking glass
4. Jo thought it was a burglar
5. Jo hid
6. Jo’s mobile rang
7. Tom asked, ‘is that you Jo?’
1. Jo think Tom was burglar
2. What kind of job Jo doing until he working late
3. Why the glass was break.
5. Jo was searching for weapon, because the burglar walking toward him. Jo hide behind the photocopier. The burglar already so close with Jo. He said, ‘it was you Jo?’. He is not a burglar, he is Tom, Jo’s boss, he left his key on the desk and he couldn’t get inti his house.
Unit 5 Review
Part A
1. The
2. The
3. The
4. (blank)
5. (blank)
7. The
8. The
9. (blank)
1. You don’t have to wear your seat belt
2. You must switch off your mobile phones now
3. You can put your bag under the seat in front
4. You can’t leave your seat during landing
5. You don’t have to have a passport on an internal flight
6. You must show your ID when you get on the plane
7. You can’t use electronic equipment during take off
8. You can use the overhead light if you want to read
2. The film watched the girl, The film was watched by the girl
3. The man has hurt the falling rock, The man was hurt by the falling rock
4. The thief caught the police, The thief was caught by the police
5. You burned the midday sun, You was burned by the midday sun
1. arrived
2. went
3. walked
4. went
5. was
6. has broken
7. stole
8. phoned
Part B
1. elect
2. capital
3. national
4. left
5. represent
6. president
7. democracy
8. state
9. election
10. conservative
11. political
12. Republic
1. Dogs aren’t allowed
2. Feeding the birds is prohibited
3. Taking photographs aren’t permitted
4. Bicycles are forbidden
5. Food isn’t allowed
1. stolen
2. attacked
3. robbed
4. killed
5. hijacked
6. shot
7. arrested
8. kidnapped

Unit 6 A
Part A

1.      don’t use or play with a mobile phone while driving
2.      1. Because Paul would tell the police about what had been done by Suzi to his car
2. Suzi gave a bottle of champagne to Paul
3.      1. Yes she was
2. No she isn’t
3. They have a relationship in the past
4. No she isn’t
5. No he isn’t

Part B

Very big: enormous
Very tired: exhausted
Very frightened: terrified
Very angry: furious
Very Suprising: amazing

Terrible: terrible, horrible, awful
          Wonderful: fabulous, great, superb

1. He was terrified of very high buildings
          2. She was exhausted after the walk, and needed to rest for a while
3. I went to see an enormous film last night
          4. We had such an amzing lunch!
          5. She was furious after he damaged her expensive new car

Part C

8. – Such
          - So
9. – It’s such a strange coincidence!
     - It’s so wonderful to see you again
     - I’m so sorry about what happened
     - You and I was so good together
     - I was such a fool to leave you for Mercedes
     - You were driving so badly
     - You always were such a terrible driver!
     - I’m just so happy
10. 1. Why was Paul so furious?
       2. It’s such an amazing story
       3. I’m so exhausted
       4. Why do you drive such an enormous car?
       5. Why do you drive so fast?

Unit 6 B

Part A

1. Yes I have. I lost a very valuable photo album from someone
2. Text B: A Miracle From God
3. 1. While he was waiting for the medics to come he remembers taking out his
         wallet to look at the photos. But the next morning, before being moved to
         hospital, he couldn’t find it
    2. Stephen Breitenstein
    3. His house
    4. Mr Breitenstein
    5. A few fracns, some receipts, some photos, and Mr Heilwagen’s social security
    6. Mr Breitenstein decided to look for Mr Heilwagen on the internet, found him,
        and sent him the wallet.
    7. He was very surprised and amazed that a complete stranger woulb be kind
        enough to look for him
    8. 122 years

Part B

6. Use a gerund after: mind fancy finish
     Use to + infinitive after: decide expect forget
7. 1. I didn’t expect to see my wallet again
     2. We really enjoy eat out
     3. I hoped meet the man who found my wallet
     4. I don’t mind drive you to the station
     5. she decided to look for the owner of the wallet
     6. Do you fancy go to the cinema tonoght?
     7. I haven’t finished do my homework yet
     8. Don’t forget to take your passport with you
8. Use a gerund after prepositions:
    - He remembers taking out his wallet
    - He really enjoyed seeing his old things again
    Use to + infinitive afetr adjactives:
    - Taking out his wallet to look at the photos
    - Hoping to find the owner
    - How to do it
    - Surprised to get the wallet back
9. 1. Leaving
    2. To return
    3. Going
    4. Bringing
    5. Helping
    6. To know
    7. To do

Unit 6c

Part A

1.      Negative: a bully, to fight, naughty, rough, rude, noisy
Positive: friendly, helpful, kind, nosy, polite, to swear, well-behaved
2.      1. Naughty children
2. Car parking
3. Rubbish
4. Animal problems
5. Noise
6. Rough behaviour
7. Walls and fence problems

Part B

4. They are neighbhourhood
5. Naughty children lines 10
    Rubbish line 12-14
    Car parking lines 23
    Animal problem lines 28
6.   1. Problem
       2. Disputes
       3. Separated
       4. Barking
       5. Installed
7. 1. False, he’s tired
     2. True
     3. True
     4. True
     5. False, because she was separated
     6. True
8. 1. Nothing
     2. Rubbish
     3. To give us a warning

Part C

9. 1.She

Unit 6 D

Part A

1.      There’s the man who sold the eiffel tower
2.      Victor Lustig. Highest offer
3.      A:3

Part B

4.      1. Said
2. Told
3. Said
5.      1. Told
2. Said
3. said
4. told
5. said
6. told

Unit 6 E

Part A

1.      1. d. Wow, what a coincidence!
2. b. Oh no, I’m so sorry
3. a. How terrible! Poor you!
4. c. That’s absolutely fantastic! Well done!
5. e. That’s wonderful news. I’m so pleased for you!
6. f. What a surprise!
       2. A: I’ve got a new bag from my friend
           B: What a surprise!
           A: I lost my phone
           B: How terible! Poor you!

Part B

3. Ashley’s flat had moved and she was sad about it
4. 1. Although
    2. however
    3. anyway
    4. by the way

Unit 6 Review 

Part A

1.      1. You don’t need to speak so loudly
2. we ate outside because it was such a beautiful day
3. why are fresh vegetables so expensive these day?
4. I didn’t know it was such a long journey
5. I didn’t know it was so far away
       2. 1.b 2.e 3.f 4.c 5.g 6.h 7.a 8.d
       3. she says she works in an office. She says she shares the office with a man
           called Justin. She says sometimes she has lunch together. She says she shall
           introduce me to him. She says he is really funny
       4. 3. Anna said she wasn’t study enough
           4. Anna said she always pass exam
           5. Anna said she was got a C in december
           6. Jhonny said there is still time to study
           7. Anna said she wasn’t understand maths
           8. Jhonny said he would help her

Part B

5. 1. Brilliant
    2. Terrified
       3. Furious
       4. Enormous
       5. Amazing
       6. Exhausted
6. 1. Naughty
    2. Behaved
    3. Friendly
    4. Rude
   5. Noisy  
   6. Rough
   7. Swear
   8. Fight
   9. Helpful 10. Nosy
7. 1. Said
    2. Told
    3. Said
    4. Said
    5. Told
    6. Said
    7. said
