Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Softskill) Bulan Ke-3

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Softskill) Bulan Ke-3

Unit 7A
Part A
1. I prefer a dog in number 9, because I think it’s a cute dog.
2. C. Research on the appearance of dogs and their owners.
3. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
4. 1-12 they have the same big eye | 3-5 they have the same beard | 6-4 they have the same expression | 8-10 they have the same long hair | 9-7 they have the same expression | 11-2 they have the same hair
Part B
5.  1. Look like | 2. look
6.  1. Looks like | 2. Looks | 3. looks like | 4. Look | 5. looks like | 6. look like
7. 2=kind, curly hair, a round fifty | 4=unfriendly, high forehead, in his mid thirties | 5=generous, moustache, a round fifty | 7=serious, wavy hair, a round fifty | 10=kind, shoulder-length hair, in her seventies | 12=artistic, bushy eyebrows, in his early twenties
8. She looks kind. She doesn’t  look unfriendly. She’s got a shoulder-length hair. She’s probably in her seventies. She looks like my classmate.
Unit 7B
Part A
1. She likes to wear a hairband. When she feels bore she will wear an earphone. She also likes to wear a formal shirt.
2. Old-fashioned, well-known
3 . He likes to wear a loose fitting T-shirt. His beard was clean shaven.
Part B
4.  The place is dirty but the people looks cool.
5. 1 true | 2 true | 3 false | 4 true | 5 false | 6 true
6. 1. Because his style is his identity | 2.. They get dressed up | 3. Because they have a contrast behavior with where they live | 4. It’s mean their clothes is the most important thing for them, and it make them worth.

Part C
8. 1 what | 2 what | 3 how | 4 how | 5 which | 6 where | 7 why
9. 1 I don’t know how much an Armani suit costs | 2 I don’t know why people buy a designer clothes | 3 I don’t know what is my UK shoe size | 4 I know where my shoe were made | 5 I know how tall I am | 6 I don’t know who jeans invented | 7 I don’t know what color suit me
10.  A: Do you know how tall you are? | B: It’s 167cm
Unit 7C
Part A
1. Parts of the body
Exercise activities
Body care
Hair cut
Steam bath
1. Do you ever go climbing?
2. Have you ever had a massage?
3. How often do you have a hair cut?
4. Have you ever hurt your elbow?
Part B
4. there is no similar
5. 1 Tango dancing | 2 Pilates | 3 Makeover | 4 Thai boxing
6.  1 scruffy= untidy | 2 couch potato= a person who isn’t very active | 3 makeover= a complete of style | 4 bored out of my mind= very bored | 5 refreshed= the opposite of tired
7. 1. there is no one of them I have done | 2. I will enjoy doing a Tango dancing | 3. Nothing
Part C
8.  1 b | 2 a | 3 c
9.  1 present continuous | 2 will | 3 going to
10. I’m going to do lots of thing I’ve never done before in my life. I’m going to pilates class. I’ll definitely do that again.
11.  1 will you do | 2 I’ll do | 3 I’ll | 4 you’re not going | 5 I’ll | 6 will you do | 7 I’ll start | 8 we’re going to
Unit 7D
Part A
1. My bedroom is so tidy. There are many novel, comic and Yu-Gi-Oh card in my bedroom. You can find many anime poster in my bedroom’s wall.
2. Yes I agree, because we can know about the people by looking at their bedroom
3.  1 There are men’s clothes hanging behind the bed | 2 The furniture is cheap and simple | 3 The room is neat and there’s nothing on the floor | 4 There isn’t much light coming in | 5 there are paintings on the wall | 6 there aren’t any books in the room | 7 There is no electrical equipment.
Part B
5.  1 a | 2 a | 3 b

7. 1 She must be rich or she can’t be poor | 2 she must be married or she can’t be single | 3 She must be busy or she can’t be unemployment | 4 She must be Australian or she can’t be Indonesian | 5 She might be model | 6 She must be a great actress
8. Her name must be Liz, because there is a birthday card to Liz on the wall. She must be a teenager about 18th years old, because it was a teenager dress. She likes to reading books, there is many books in the cupboard. I think she want to be a photographer, because there is many photos on the wall.
Unit 7 Review
Part B
4.  1 Ambitious | 2 Mid | 3 Active | 4 Aggressive | 5 Confident | 6 Generous | 7 Wavy | 8 Artistic | 9 Ginger | 10 Anxious | 11 Unfriendly

Unit 8A

Part A
1.  I don’t know. I used my phone for a social media
2. 1. I think they are lawyer and his client | 2. i think he talking to his friend | 3. i don’t think so, because the situation like that can happen anytime
3.  2 = f | 3 = b | 4 = a | 5 = d | 6 = c | 7 = e
5. 1. Photo 4 | 2. photo 3 | 3. photo 7 | 4. photo 6 | 5. photo 2 | 6. photo 5
6. 1. I’m calling from | 2. i can’t get through | 3. get the engaged sihnal | 4. who’s calling please? | 5. the line’s busy | 6. would you like to leave a message | 7. i’m calling to let you know | 8. write it down

Unit 8B

Part A
1.      I think it’s Alex the parrot
2.      Smart Alex : parrot can actually think
Clever Rico : rico can understand more than 200 words
5.      Alex the parrot

Part B
6. 1.c | 2. A | 3. D | 4. b
7. 1 was able to | 2 could | 3 can | 4 be able | 5 was able | 6 could | 7 be able
Unit 8C
Part A
1.  What’s your ability?
2.  1. Mr Goma and Guy Kewney | 2 Because they are waiting for an interview | 3 I think Mr Goma will seek for a new job
3.  The producer approached Mr Goma and ask him if he was Guy Kewney. Mr Goma thought that perhaps the man couldn’t pronounce his surname and answered yes
4.  1. He might be confused | 2. Because Mr Goma had so little to say | 3. I think he will not
Part B
6. 1. the verb come after the subject | 2. Reported sentence | 3. Yes, it is | 4. No, it isn’t
7  1. She asked me what my name was | 2. She asked me what I did | 3. She asked me where I worked | 4. She asked me what my nationality was | 5. She asked me whose I seek
9. 2. He asked her why she wanted his CV. | 3. She asked him what his star sign was| 4. He asked her can he bring his dog to work. | 5. She asked him have she wore shoes. | 6. He asked her is she happy married | 7. She asked him is he had sauna in the building. | 8. He asked her where the company golf course was.
Unit 8D
Part A
1.  About Vikram’s vacation
2.  B He was tricked
3.  1 Because he also speaks English | 2 Because it made him like a nice man | 3 To complete his act | 4 Because he saw him again in the next day | 5 I will not.  Because we must be careful in public place
Part B
4.      Request: He asked me to help him. (Ask)
Imperative: I told him not to worry. (tell)
5.  2 she told me not to wait. | 3 I told him not to go. | 4 He asked me to go.
7. 2 I asked him to show me the way to the station and he told me to follow him | 3 He told me to be careful and I told him not to worry | 4 She asked me to give her €10 and I told her to leave me alone
Part C
8. He asked me to help him. He asked me whether I spoke English. I told him not to worry
10.  1 Advised | 2 Invited | 3 Offered, refused
11.  3 He promised to come. If you want | 4 She refused to come. | 5 He invited me to come | 6 I promised to come | 7 She advises me to come
Unit 8E
Part B
6 1 however | 2 Because | 3 Such as | 4 If | 5 so
7 1 because | 2 such as | 3 so | 4 if | 5 however
8  Paragraph 1= Introducing to the topic | Paragraph 2= the question, results | Paragraph 3= conclusion
Unit 9A
Part A
1. verbs: blowing, boiling, freezing, pouring, shining, snowing, soaking
Nouns: cloud, floods, gales, lighting, heat wave, showers
Adjectives: stormy, windy, mild
2. 2-c | 3-b | 4-1 | 5-d | 6-f
3. 1. Gales, 2. Pouring, soaking, 3. Boiling, snowing, 4. Stormy, lighting, 5. Blowing, shining
5. winter, because I like cold

Part B
6. A and D (True), B and C (False)
7. because, their jobs depend on the weather

Part D
12. aren’t day, don’t we, is there, do we
13. a. the positive tag questions like do/is are used when the sentence are negative. Then the negative tag question like don’t/isn’t are used when the sentences are positive | b. be is used when the sentences contains time, do is used for present time sentence
14. isn’t it?, is it?, do you?, don’t you?

Unit 9B
Part A
1. Head, hair, eyebrown, eyelashes, eyes, nails, fingernails, toenails, finger, skin, teeth, brain
2. a. Medical text b. fashion and beauty c. popular science d. science fiction
3. 1. A new hair starts growing to when it falls out. 2. nails, skin, eyes. 3. teeth and brain.
Part B
5. a. B 5 years from now b. A between now and 5 years time c. C More than 5 years in the future
7. 2. I will sleep had there for hours | 3. I’ll have had there cups of coffe  | 4. I’l watch Tv had there for hours.
10. 1. Lunch, Do my home work, studied | 2. Future technologi
Part C
11. 1. a. probably b. hopefully c. definitely d. Unfortunetely 2. Probably 3. Before won’t
12. 1. I’ll definitely be older |  2. I’ll probably learn a lot more English | 3. I’ll definitely grown a new set of toenails | 4. I’ll definitely more people in the world | 5.there will probably less ice at the north pole

Unit 9C
Part A
1.  A forwards | B towards you | C backwards | D upwards | E downwards | F inside | G outside | H uphill | I downhill | J along
2. 1 walking uphill | 2 having meals outside | 3 Walking along a rope
Part B
2. attacked by shark I think
4.  1 c | 2 b | 3 a | 4 h | 5 e | 6 f | 7 d | 8 g
6.  1 d | 2 d | 3 d | 4 d | 5 c | 6 d | 7 b | 8 d

Part C
9. 1 simple present tense and simple future tense | 2 main clause | 3 C. to warn of a danger
11.  1 b | 2 d | 3 c | 4 a
12.  2 you should stay near the beach | 3 Just fight it | 4 don’t have an extreme vacation | 5  you should turn on a lighter

Unit 9D
3. 1 laptop computer. Computer technology. Computer programmer. Computer desktop. Computer keyboard. Personal computer. Computer graphics. | 2 fire alarm. Alarm clock. Burglar alarm. Smoke alarm. Alarm bell. | 3 science fiction. Computer science. Science teacher. Science faculty. Medical science. | 4 service room. Charge service. Service station. Health service. | 5 book shop. Address book. Exercise book. Book fair. Text book. Phrase book. Book club

Part B
6.  I want to have personal helicopter. Everyone wants to fly right?
Part C
7.  c. they are about situations which are not true now and probably won’t be true in the future
8.  past future tense
10.  2 would be, didn’t have | 3 would, did, attacked | 4 couldn’t have, would, chose
11.  2 I’d buy Anime action figure as many I want. | 3 I’d make our public transportation better. | 4 I’d live in Nerima with my wife

Unit 9 Review
Part B
4. Across: 1 cold | 4 boiling | 5 showers | 6 snowing | 8 dry | 9 freezing
    Down: 1 cloud | 2 blowing | 3 lightning | 5 stormy | 7 gale
6. 1 upwards | 2 along | 3 downwards | 4 forwards | 5 downhill | 6 backwards | 7 uphill | 8 towards you
7. 1 alarm clock | 2 credit card | 3 DVD Player | 4 mobile phone | 5 room service | 6 computer programmer
