Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Softskill) Bulan Ke-4

Tugas Bahasa Inggris (Softskill) Bulan Ke-4

Unit 10
Part A
1. small shops because it isnt crowded like malls/local shops
3. (1.) the butcher, (2.) farm, (3.) they're going to build a jail/prison (prison means plantation), (4.) worse than being knocked down, (5.) walking on the road around the newsagent, (6.) it's used to mark what the baker has spoken up, (7.) no, they're going to build a mall, (8.) the high street shops depends on the consumer, with the building of mall, people will tend to go inside than visitting the high street.
4. (a.) shoe shop, clothes shop, sport shop, (b.) butcher's, optician's, chemist's, grocer's, newsagent's, (c.) supermarket, bakery
5. (b.) supermarket - bcs market doesnt have a checkout machine/cashier, (c.) news-stand - bcs it usually stands on the border/corner of streets, (d.) library - bcs library is the place to borrow books freely, (e.) shopping mall - bcs departement store sells various brands in the same building
6. (1.) a, (2.) bcs the greengrocer's strict for well-known grocery & speaker say 'a greengrocer' bcs he/she didn't know where it is
7. 2-the, 3-the, 4-the, 5-an, 6-a, 7-a, 8-the, 9-the, 10-a, 11-a

Part B
1. 2-packet, 3-box, 4-can, 5-pot, 6-tub, 7-bottle, 8-bag, 9-tube, 10-tin
5. store in a cool dry place: a can of milk, keep out of reach of children: a tin of pestiside, may contain nuts: a packet of biscuits, suitable for vegetarians: a pot of margarine, avoid eye contacts: a jar of grilled chillies.
6. b
7. (2.) true!, (3.) not all rubbish, bcs many kinds of them need many kinds of proccessing machines too, (7.) true, (8.) false, modburry decided to ban plastic bags 6 months as experiment then keep it that way until now.
8. uncountable: yogurt, water, plastic, packaging. yg lainnya countable
9. (3)g (4)b (5)d (6)h (7)e (8)c
10. (2) enough, (3) a lot of, (4) enough, (5) hardly any, (6) too many

Part C
1. a - its worth the while and doesnt take much time
2. winston: c, janet: d, charlie: a
3. (2)charlie, (3)winston, (4)winston, (5)mrs.sayles, (6)janet
4. winston has no efficient way to sell the sunshades, janet has no trick to sell the sunshades as an umbrella like what charlie did, and charlie succeed.
5. in recent times: lately, nearly - approximately: or so, recently, more or less, a little less than: about. (1)almost, (2)lately, (3)or so.
7. has it been raining, i havent been sleeping, you've been waiting-you havent been waiting
8. in the negative clauses
10. (1.)sold, (2.)been selling, (3.)been sitting, (4.)phoned, (5.)been raining, (6.)i've seen, (7.)been waiting

Part D
1. try it on: jacket, shoes - compare it off: package holiday - check it out: camera, car
2. (1)c, (2)a, (3)a, (4)c, (5)d
3. yes i agree!
4. (1)b, (2)c
5. if: unless, when: as soon, until
7. (A): i wont buy a computer as long as there's a guarantee
(B): me too, until the computer got broken
10. buy: being used if a person really wants to purchase, pay: used when a person have to purchase with/out wants. - spend: used if a person have an urge to use it even useful/not, cost: used when a person has to spend their savings. - reduced means decrease, included means abridge. - guarantee: a kind of assurance to describe how good the product is, receipt: a paper shaped bill as an evidence of buying list.
11. (2.)cost, (3.)antara pay/price, (4.)spend, (5.)guarantee, (6.)free of charge, (7.)cost

Part E
1. yes, the internet & catalogue sometimes doesnt describe the real product (difference of colours, flawless spots, broken product, etc). buying via phone is also not effective bcs the salesworker usually compliment the product, they've hardly been mentioning the flaws.
2. because the book that ordered and the book that sent, has the same title.
(1.)because he ordered the book by phone, he'd properly ask who he has been speaking too when purchasing the book,
(2.)Paperbook Express,
(3.)because he already read Lord of the rings by Tolkien,
(4.)he wants the paperbook express to refund the postage costs first.

Part Review
2. (2)many, (3)little, (4)a few, (5)much, (6)few, (7)a lot of
3. (2.)havent been going, (3.)have been trying, (4.)have - been watching, (5.)have been reading, (6.)have - been doing, (7.)have been looking
5. (2.)butcher's, (3.)shopping mall, (4.)news-stand, (5.)library, (6.)market, (7.)newsagent, (8.)bank, (9.)green grocer's, (10.)departement store

Unit 11
Part A
(1.) turn right
(2.) turn left
(3.) cross the crossroad
(4.) cross the railway
(5.) go straight
3. the text was written for tourist
10. (1) Can you tell me where’s the Royal Shakespeare Theatre?
(2) Do you know if there’s a bus stop near here?
(3) Can you tell me where’s the town hall?
(4) Do you know if there’s a shopping center near here?
11. (A): “Excuse me, do you know if there’s a game center near here?”
      (B): “Just go ahead then turn left in the crossroad.”
      (A): “Thank you Sir.”
      (B): “Don’t mention it. I always visit game center too. Hahaha”
Part B
1. Mountain resort, hiking, sunset
2.Comfortable= house, room, bed, sofa
   Delicious= food, drink, snack
   Delightful= holiday, day, year
   Efficient= time, production, alternate
   Elegant= car, moto cycle
   Friendly= people, pet
   Magnificent= art
   Secluded= island
3. activities= 3
   Introduction= 1
   Summary= 5
   Service= 4
   Meals= 2
8. (1) b
(2) a
10. (1) c
(2) h
(3) a
(4) f
(5) g
(6) d
(7) e
(8) b
11. (2) I have my car serviced once a year
(3) my back teeth have taken when I was child
(4) you have breakfast bring to your room
(5) I have my computer repaired

Part C
1. (1) fever
(2) yes, I have
2. A measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening
3. (1) mosquito net
(2) sun block
(3) tap water
(4) pills
(5) injection
(6) insect repellent
(7) first aid kit
(8) emergency
4. you need to take sun block
10. The air is very dry on board, and you can catch a cold more easily
13. (2) I had to relax
(3) I hadn’t to cancel
(4) I had to drink
(5) I hadn’t to drink coffee
(6) I had to wash my hand
(7) I had go to the bathroom
(8) I hadn’t to pass on my germs
15. (2) You don’t need to print your ticket
(3) You ought to buy a guide book
(4) You shouldn’t carry lots of cash
(5) you have to take a passport
(6) you don’t have to take a lot of luggage

Part D
1. (1.) She is run out of petrol
(2.) he is get lost
(3.) He is get stuck
(4.) He loses his wallet
(5.) She is miss a plane flight
(6.) He have a flat tire
2. Run out of petrol, get stuck, and have a flat tire. Yes, I have.
8. (1.) Important meaning= non-defining. Simply extra information=non-defining
(2.) non-defining
(3.) non-defining
9. (2) When
(3) who
(4) which
(5) whose
11. (2) when he was working as nurse
(3) when I have a free time
(4) which color is blue
(5) whose house is very clean

Part E
1. I decide the place from the internet
2. (a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 3
3. Group 1: first=3, then=3, after that=3, finally=3. It is a procedure
    Group 2: Unfortunately =4, however=4. Describe the problem

Part Review
1. (2) Do you know where platform four is?
(3) Can you tell me if there’s a bank near here?
(4) Do you know whether the shops are open?
6. (1) g
(2) d
(3) b
(4) f
(5) a
(6) h
(7) e
(8) c

Unit 12
Part A
1. The stories about dishonest bread seller and two neighbours.
2. The Bread Seller’s Trick= Bread seller, meat seller, two other seller
5. (1.) Don’t be so stingy
(2.) yes, I do
(3.) yes, I think
6. (1) because
(2) so
(3) to
7. the poor woman sat outside her neighbor’s house every day because she liked smelling soup, so she repeated the question a few times, to enjoy the smell of soup.

Part B
1. (a) 3
(b) 1
(c) 2
2. Glad= 3
    Hope= 1
    Wish= 2
10. (1) has
(2) now
(3) future
12. (2) +had -hadn’t
(3) +could -couldn’t
(4) +was -wasn’t
(5) +would -wouldn’t

Part C
1. (1) it’s about ten
(2) the books are similar
(3) Adventure
(4) No there aren’t
(5) No there aren’t
(6) Cool
(7) one by one
(8) Bahasa Indonesia
(9) Just two of mine
(10) I put them in my room and sort by my favorite
4. (1) c
(2) b
(3) d
(4) a
5. (2) false
(3) true
(4) True
(5) True
(6) false
(7) false
(8) true

Part D
1. (1) What to have for lunch
(2) What career to choose
(3) Where to live
(4) Whether to get married
(5) Whether to have children
(6) Where to go on holiday
2. (a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 6
(d) 4
(e) 1
(f) 5
3. (a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 1
(e) 4
(f) 3
4. It was number 5 and 4
5. (1) No, he didn’t
(2) Yes, he did
(3) main clause
(4) if
(5) a. use had+verb2 b. use have+verb2
6. (2) had, killed
(3) said, have
(4) would, didn’t
(5) have, had
(6) had, would
7. (1) I was, I passed
(2) didn’t live, didn’t walk
(3) I liked, I wanted

Part Review
1. (1) because
(2) so
(3) because
(4) to
(5) to
(6) so
2. (1) lived
(2) didn’t live
(3) was
(4) didn’t have
(5) could speak
(6) would communicate
3. (1) left, leaving
(3) written, writing
(4) covered, covering
5. (2) be glad
(3) I hope
(4) I wish
(5) I hope
(6) I hope
